
  • Supports muscle protein synthesis and reduces
    muscle fatigue.
  • Enhances nitric oxide production for improved
    blood flow.
  • Essential vitamins for overall health support.
  • Zero calories for guilt-free consumption.
  • Convenient ready to drink (RTD) format for on-the-go lifestyles.
  • Burst of citrusy freshness in every sip.
How to use
  • Perfect for pre, intra or post-workout hydration or any time you need a quick and nutritious refreshment on the go.
WARCRY® BCAA 330ml - the elixir of survival for modern warriors of a healthy and active lifestyle! This revolutionary carbonated drink will pamper your taste buds and energize your body without adding calories or sugar.

With a mystical formula enriched with 4000mg of BCAA, the true secret of ancient strength, and 1000mg of L-Citrulline to boost vitality, this performance potion will help you overcome any challenge and carve your way to physical and mental success.
But it doesn't stop here!

A powerful blend of essential vitamins and minerals adds magic to this elixir, strengthening your immune system and keeping your health at its peak. This divine mix of ingredients harmoniously unites in a unique and refreshing taste, meant to awaken your senses and prepare you for the daily battle of life.

So, get ready to face the challenges of the day and shout out loud: "WARCRY® BCAA 330ml, onwards to victory!" Choose the ultimate weapon of healthy warriors and triumph in the fitness world with this incredible drink at hand. The battle begins now!